1. Open IOS Settings
2. Click Mail
3. Click Accounts

4. Choose Add Account
5. Then Choose “Other“

5. Fill out the “New Account” form with the following credentials :
Name – Your first and last name.
Email – Your email address.
Password – Use the password given to you by Fusion-Dev.
Description – A name to identify this account (ex. My Work Email)
6. Click “Next”

7. Fill out the “New Account” form with the following credentials and make sure “IMAP” is selected at the top :
Name – Your first and last name.
Email – Your email address.
Description – A name to identify this account (ex. My Work Email)
Incoming Mail Server
Host Name – mail.yourdomain.com (be sure to use your own domain for this field. For example if your domain is apple.com then you would use “mail.apple.com” as your server address. Make sure “mail” is at the beginning.
Username – Your email address
Password – Use the password given to you by Fusion-Dev.
Outgoing Mail Server
Host Name – mail.yourdomain.com (Same as above)
Username – Your email address
Password – Use the password given to you by Fusion-Dev.
8. Click “Next“
Note* This can take some time to validate so be patient.
9. Choose your options and click “Save“

Your NOT done yet!
10. Go back to “Accounts”
11. Click the account you just set up. In my case I named it “My Work Email” so I will choose that account.
12. At the bottom choose “SMTP” under “OUTGOING MAIL SERVER”

13. At the bottom make sure the following is filled out correctly:
Use SSL – YES (Should be Green)
Authentication – “Password”
Server Port – 465
14. Click “Done”
Note* This can take some time to validate so be patient.

Congratulations, your email should now be set up on Apple IOS!